The recent Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), the largest-ever economic stimulus package in U.S. history, contains grant opportunities to help organizations prevent, prepare for, and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Funding is available to tribal agencies, healthcare and public safety organizations and may be used to cover costs associated with (but not limited to):
- Acquiring telecommunication services and networking equipment
- Building and supporting telehealth programs
- Eliminating the need for remote workers to share devices, reducing the risk of COVID-19 community spread
- Coordinating with public health entities to help develop and enact the local and state emergency response plans
- Paying overtime
In most cases, grant applications are due May 29, 2020. As the deadline nears, we are standing by—alongside our partners at Panasonic—to help customers take full advantage of the opportunity. If you’re interested in pursuing a grant, we’ll work with you to complete the following steps:
- Step One: You initiate the process by clicking through to our online Information Collection Tool and completing the form as thoroughly as possible. Submit the form via email to the Panasonic Grants Office Helpdesk. (Instructions provided.)
- Step Two: A Panasonic Grants Development Consultant will review your completed form and, within seven (7) business days, send you a report outlining which CARES Act grants align with your needs.
- Step Three: The Grants Development Consultant, along with your contact at BAYCOM, will join you for a follow-up call to review the opportunities and determine next steps.
- Step Four: If needed, your BAYCOM representative and/or Panasonic experts can provide grant-writing assistance. This may include developing projected costs for equipment you hope to secure, so you know how much you should be asking for as part of the grant submission, and preparing content you can use in the grant submission that will help tell the story of how you’ll benefit from the equipment.
To learn more about the program and link to the grant application and other resources contact us at 800-726-5426 or download one of the following: