Legal Communications Also Minimize Employer Liability
Organizations looking to maintain communications with off-site personnel are turning to radios safe for drivers that fall within federal and state regulations limiting the use of cellular technology. Digital two-way radios with one-touch access provide an effective way for employers to communicate with their drivers while also keeping them safe and legal.
“Distracted driving causes thousands of accidents every year,” says Rob Dillon, executive vice president at BAYCOM, a premier service provider and dealer of Motorola Solutions products. “Cellular phones are out, but evolving technologies that make two-way radios safe for drivers and other unified communications settings are here to stay.”
Push-to-talk two-way radios are not subject to the same regulations that govern cellular phone usage because they are easier to operate and less of a distraction for drivers. Systems such as MOTOTRBO™ from Motorola Solutions do not offer texting or email access, while the clarity of the system’s digital communication technology reduces risk and produces a two-way radio safe for drivers.
Federal Regulations Require Radios Safe for Drivers
Federal motor carrier safety regulations prohibit drivers of commercial motor vehicles (CMV) from texting or using hand-held mobile telephones. CMV drivers are allowed to use push-to-talk communications equipment while driving as long as the driver does not have to reach for, dial or hold the device in their hand while driving, and the driver is able to touch the button needed to operate the push-to-talk feature from the normal seated position with the safety belt fastened.
“Another reason employers are moving toward making two-way radios safe for drivers is the concept of vicarious responsibility,” Dillon says. “This refers to the fact an employer can be held liable for the actions of an employee if the employee was acting within the scope of their employment at the time of the accident. Drivers who use a cellular phone while driving put their employers at risk for a lawsuit.”