On the campus of the National Railroad Museum® in Green Bay, Wisconsin, Bob Lettenberger and his colleagues stay in touch with each other using two-way radios. The staff has relied on BAYCOM-provided radios for at least the last 20 years, since Lettenberger joined the organization as Director of Education.
“Over the years, we’ve done what any responsible business would do; we’ve shopped around and we looked at some alternatives. But nothing else fit,” said Lettenberger. “We’re a not-for-profit museum and BAYCOM has respect for our budget. They provide solutions that are cost effective and will stand up in our environment.”
The museum serves more than 100,000 visitors annually, bringing the history of the railroad industry to life through tours, rides, exhibitions and presentations. A few times each year the museum also hosts special events such as POLAR EXPRESS™ Train Rides during the holiday season. During those events, the professional staff is joined by dozens of volunteers who must also be able to communicate via radio, so Lettenberger reaches out to BAYCOM for short-term radio rentals.
“Suddenly, we go from normal-day operations with 17 of us, to a crew of 60—all spread out across our 33-acre campus,” said Lettenberger. “We’ve got a crew that is taking care of parking. There is an operating crew on our train. There’s a crew that’s taking care of patrons and ticketing. There’s a museum store operating in two locations. And all of our communications need to get through. If we didn’t have the extra radios for these events, we wouldn’t be able to function. And if you’ve got a company that you can partner with, like BAYCOM, it means all the difference in the world. It’s a good relationship. It’s a solid relationship. And to me, in the business world, profit or nonprofit, you can’t ask for more than that.”
Learn more about the National Railroad Museum, whose mission is to inspire lifelong learning by providing dynamic educational opportunities through the preservation of railroad objects, engaging exhibits, and innovative programs.
Learn more about how BAYCOM can help you build or expand your fleet of rugged, reliable two-way radios.